Carin Aquiline
Project Manager
Carin Aquiline is project manager for the Transformative Repair and Civics PD Pathways projects. Transformative Repair explores how the artistic practice of transformative repair supports cognitive shifts that nurture an ethic of care for oneself and others. Civics PD Pathways is developing a system of professional learning for teachers focused on key issues and challenges in teaching civics. Carin previously worked on Idea into Action, Making Learning and Thinking Visible in Italian Secondary Schools, and Witness Tree.
A common focus across the projects Carin has worked on is engaging students in powerful learning and dispositional development relevant to addressing local and global challenges. This focus can be traced back to Carin’s earlier work as a high school English, humanities, and English as a Second Language teacher and an instructional coach facilitating inquiry-driven professional learning for teachers.