PZ Connect
PZ Connect is a collaboration between Project Zero and Independent Schools of Victoria (Australia).
PZ Connect is a collaboration between Project Zero and Independent Schools of Victoria (Australia). The initiative dovetails with current efforts underway at PZ to move beyond our typical (face-to-face) modes of outreach and professional development, and leverages the affordances of online environments for supporting teaching and learning. There are three strands of the work: Outreach, Development, and Festivals. Through the Outreach strand (the larger focus of the initiative), PZ researchers are developing and facilitating various online activities to support teachers who seek to use Project Zero ideas in their classrooms. PZ topics for the pilot phases of delivering these online offerings include Teaching for Understanding, Making Learning Visible, Visible Thinking, Educating for Global Competence, and Teaching “Good Work” in the Classroom. Through the Development strand, PZ researchers are developing thinking routines and other classroom tools to help learners engage with complexity, do perspective-taking, and develop global competence. Through the Festivals strand, researchers are exploring how community festivals that make visible student and/or teacher work can engage broader audiences with the learning happening in schools.