Aprendiendo a Aprender: Transformando la Pedagogía Juntos | Learning to Learn: Transforming Pedagogy Together
With the support of Panama’s Ministry of Education, Aprendiendo a Aprender: Transformando la Pedagogía Juntos seeks to promote teacher professional learning and wellbeing in Panama’s public schools, with the overall goal of transforming pedagogical practices across the country to better engage and meet the needs of students and their communities.
The PZ team is facilitating an arc of learning for 10 school-based study groups made up of teachers and principals, who are exploring what works to promote collaboration and inquiry-based practice in their schools and classrooms. In particular, the project carefully introduces thinking routines and other protocols and resources from Project Zero and beyond as vehicles for transforming pedagogy. With an eye to building capacity within Panama, each school-based study group is accompanied by a representative from a local professional development provider who will in time go on to facilitate similar learning experiences for other schools. In addition, each study group includes leaders or representatives from various national teacher networks established by Panama’s Minister of Education to spread new practices and foster teacher learning and wellbeing.
This project builds directly on two previous PZ projects: Creating Communities of Innovation and Creando Comunidades de Indagación |Creating Communities of Inquiry, which similarly involved working collaboratively with school-based or network-based study groups to transform teaching and learning. It also draws on decades of work produced by Project Zero researchers.
This project asks:
- How can educators in Panamanian public schools be supported to work collaboratively and to develop and engage in inquiry-driven pedagogical practices that promote deeper learning?
- Which tools and strategies are most effective for promoting pedagogical transformation and teacher wellbeing in this context and why?
Which aspects of this work are particularly challenging for teachers and school leaders, and why? How can these challenges be overcome?