Over the years Project Zero has been fortunate to receive funding from many generous organizations and individuals. We list them here. We welcome information about any errors or inadvertent omissions.
- 1420 Foundation for Sustainable Development Education
- Academy for Educational Development
- Accenture Corporate Giving
- Ahmanson Foundation
- American School of the Hague
- Antwerp International School
- John Abele and the Argosy Foundation
- The Abundance Foundation
- The Asia Society
- The Atlantic Philanthropies
- ATLAS Communities, Inc.
- The Bauman Foundation
- Jackie and Mike Bezos
- Bialik College of Melbourne
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
- The Carnegie Corporation
- Carpe Vitam
- Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
- The C.O.U.Q. Foundation
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education
- Concordia Architects
- Count Anton Wolfgang Graf von Faber-Castell
- Paula and Jim Crown
- The Nathan Cummings Foundation
- DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund
- The James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation
- Disney Learning Partnership / Disney Hand
- Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
- The Abe and Vera Dorevitch Foundation
- Education Development Foundation
- The J. Epstein Foundation
- The Fetzer Institute
- The Ford Foundation
- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- The General Electric Fund
- The Germanacos Foundation
- The J. Paul Getty Trust
- The William T. Grant Foundation
- The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
- The Harvard Art Museums
- The Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching (HILT)
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- John and Elisabeth Hobbs
- Independent Schools Victoria (Australia)
- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- The Institute of Education Sciences
- International Baccalaureate Organisation
- International Bilingual School
- International School of Amsterdam
- International School of Brussels
- International School of Dusseldorf
- International School of Stavanger
- International School of Uganda
- International Schools Consortium
- International Storytelling Center
- The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation
- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- The Alexander Julian Foundation
- Kaplan/ScoreLearning.com
- The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
- The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- The Thomas H. Lee Company
- The Lilly Endowment
- Shelly London
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- The Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation
- The Lumina Foundation
- Maine Department of Education
- Malden Public Schools
- The Markle Foundation
- The Massachusetts Cultural Council
- The James S. McDonnell Foundation
- The Andrew W Mellon Foundation
- Albert W. and Katherine E. Merck
- The Milton Fund
- The Museum of Modern Art
- The National Endowment for the Arts
- The National Institute of Education
- The National Science Foundation
- The Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- The New American School Development Corporation
- New Bedford (MA) Public Schools
- The Northeast Regional Educational Laboratory
- Northern European Council of International Schools
- The Noyes Family
- Ohio Department of Education
- Parent Partners, Inc.
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- The Jesse Phillips Foundation Fund
- Portland (ME) Public Schools
- The Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- The Rockefeller Foundation:
- The Louise and Claude Rosenberg, Jr. Family Foundation
- The Ross Family Charitable Foundation
- The Saul Zaentz Foundation
- The Schwab Foundation for Learning
- The Sloan Foundation
- The Spencer Foundation
- The Teagle Foundation
- The John Templeton Foundation
- The Tides Foundation
- The United States Department of Education
- United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc.
- Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
- The Van Leer Foundation
- The Veterans Administration
- The Wallace Foundation
- The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
- Wickliffe Progressive Community School
- Wilsonville and West Linn Public Schools
- YMCA of the USA
- Global Cities, Inc. A program of Bloomberg Philanthropies