Leading Learning That Matters
PUBLISHED:AUTHORS: Flossie S. G. Chua, David N. Perkins, and Daniel G. Wilson
Resource Summary
How can school learning be expanded to matter more in learners’ lives? How can school leaders shape an institution to stay true to its core commitments and thrive as a center of contemporary learning? Leading Learning that Matters offers a flexible process to help school leaders and their communities construct a vision of what learning really matters for the lives their learners are likely to live and then make that vision a daily reality in classrooms. This book, with ideas informed by research and tested in practice, will:
- guide you through the four key dimensions of the Leading Learning that Matters (LLtM) process – creating shared vision, developing collaborative structures, supporting individual development, and sustaining progress
- provide tips and tools for building and refining a vision of learning that matters for your students, and for organizing and tracking the progress of the LLtM process
- show what Leading Learning that Matters looks like through pictures of practice from schools that have embarked on the LLtM process
Leading Learning that Matters is for any school leader who wants to ensure that their school is preparing students to thrive in the contemporary world and is ready to explore what that looks like through a collaborative process.