Andrea Sachdeva
Senior Project Manager
Andrea Sachdeva is Senior Project Manager for the Creating Communities of Innovation (CCI) research initiative, a collaboration between Project Zero and schools from the GEMS Education network in the United Arab Emirates. The CCI project seeks to create broadly-scalable resources to support education practitioners in designing and enacting educational innovations. She is also Senior Project Manager for the Creando Comunidades de Indagación research initiate—a partnership with Innova Schools, Peru—that explores ways to help teachers implement inquiry-based teaching and learning practices. Finally, Andrea serves as Senior Research Manager for Agency by Design: Early Childhood in the Making, a research initiative that explores the unique opportunities and challenges that early childhood educators face when enacting maker-centered learning in teaching and learning environments. Growing out of her background in arts learning and interdisciplinary design environments, Andrea brings with her experience as an administrator, teacher, assessment consultant, researcher, and learner. Prior to her work with Project Zero, for ten years Andrea led educational programs at Le Laboratoire Cambridge (Le Lab), a cultural center focused on cross-disciplinary idea development and public engagement. This work included the development and scaling of Le Lab’s flagship ArtScience Prize program to sites around the world. Her work focuses on design- and maker-centered learning environments, projects that value "learning by doing," and approaches to documentation and assessment in settings that that don’t easily fit "in the box" of traditional education.